Uses of Class

Packages that use Type

Uses of Type in org.cipango.diameter

Fields in org.cipango.diameter declared as Type
 Type<T> AVP._type

Methods in org.cipango.diameter that return Type
 Type<T> AVP.getType()
 Type<?> Dictionary.getType(int vendorId, int code)
<T> Type<T>
Factory.newType(java.lang.String name, int code, DataFormat<T> dataFormat)
<T> Type<T>
Factory.newType(java.lang.String name, int vendorId, int code, DataFormat<T> dataFormat)

Methods in org.cipango.diameter with parameters of type Type
<T> void
AVPList.add(Type<T> type, T value)
<T> AVP<T>
AVPList.get(Type<T> type)
<T> java.util.Iterator<AVP<T>>
AVPList.getAVPs(Type<T> type)
<T> T
AVPList.getValue(Type<T> type)

Constructors in org.cipango.diameter with parameters of type Type
AVP(Type<T> type)
AVP(Type<T> type, T value)

Uses of Type in org.cipango.diameter.api

Methods in org.cipango.diameter.api with parameters of type Type
<T> void
DiameterServletMessage.add(Type<T> type, T value)
<T> T
DiameterServletMessage.get(Type<T> type)

Uses of Type in org.cipango.diameter.base

Fields in org.cipango.diameter.base declared as Type
static Type<Accounting.AccountingRealtimeRequired> Accounting.ACCOUNTING_REALTIME_REQUIRED
static Type<java.lang.Integer> Accounting.ACCOUNTING_RECORD_NUMBER
          The Accounting-Record-Number AVP (AVP Code 485) is of type Unsigned32 and identifies this record within one session.
static Type<Accounting.AccountingRecordType> Accounting.ACCOUNTING_RECORD_TYPE
          The Accounting-Record-Type AVP (AVP Code 480) is of type Enumerated and contains the type of accounting record being sent.
static Type<java.lang.Integer> Accounting.ACCOUNTING_SUB_SESSION_ID
          The Accounting-Sub-Session-Id AVP (AVP Code 287) is of type Unsigned64 and contains the accounting sub-session identifier.
static Type<java.lang.Integer> Common.ACCT_APPLICATION_ID
          The Acct-Application-Id AVP (AVP Code 259) is of type Unsigned32 and is used in order to advertise support of the Accounting portion of an application (see Section 2.4).
static Type<java.lang.Integer> Accounting.ACCT_INTERIM_INTERVAL
          The Acct-Interim-Interval AVP (AVP Code 85) is of type Unsigned32 and is sent from the Diameter home authorization server to the Diameter client.
static Type<java.lang.String> Accounting.ACCT_MULTI_SESSION_ID
          The Acct-Multi-Session-Id AVP (AVP Code 50) is of type UTF8String, following the format specified in Section 8.8.
static Type<byte[]> Accounting.ACCT_SESSION_ID
          The Acct-Session-Id AVP (AVP Code 44) is of type OctetString is only used when RADIUS/Diameter translation occurs.
static Type<java.lang.Integer> Common.AUTH_APPLICATION_ID
          The Auth-Application-Id AVP (AVP Code 258) is of type Unsigned32 and is used in order to advertise support of the Authentication and Authorization portion of an application (see Section 2.4).
static Type<Common.AuthSessionState> Common.AUTH_SESSION_STATE
          The Auth-Session-State AVP (AVP Code 277) is of type Enumerated and specifies whether state is maintained for a particular session.
static Type<java.lang.String> Common.DESTINATION_HOST
          The Destination-Host AVP (AVP Code 293) is of type DiameterIdentity.
static Type<java.lang.String> Common.DESTINATION_REALM
          The Destination-Realm AVP (AVP Code 283) is of type DiameterIdentity, and contains the realm the message is to be routed to.
static Type<java.lang.String> Common.DIGEST_ALGORITHM
          Description This attribute holds the algorithm parameter that influences the HTTP Digest calculation.
static Type<java.lang.String> Common.DIGEST_HA1
          Description This attribute is used to allow the generation of an Authentication-Info header, even if the HTTP-style response's body is required for the calculation of the rspauth value.
static Type<java.lang.String> Common.DIGEST_QOP
          Description: This attribute holds the Quality of Protection parameter that influences the HTTP Digest calculation.
static Type<java.lang.String> Common.DIGEST_REALM
          Description: This attribute describes a protection space component of the RADIUS server.
static Type<Common.DisconnectCause> Common.DISCONNECT_CAUSE
          The Disconnect-Cause AVP (AVP Code 273) is of type Enumerated.
          The Experimental-Result AVP (AVP Code 297) is of type Grouped, and indicates whether a particular vendor-specific request was completed successfully or whether an error occurred.
static Type<java.lang.Integer> Common.EXPERIMENTAL_RESULT_CODE
          The Experimental-Result-Code AVP (AVP Code 298) is of type Unsigned32 and contains a vendor-assigned value representing the result of processing the request.
static Type<AVPList> Common.FAILED_AVP
          The Failed-AVP AVP (AVP Code 279) is of type Grouped and provides debugging information in cases where a request is rejected or not fully processed due to erroneous information in a specific AVP.
static Type<java.lang.Integer> Common.FIRMWARE_REVISION
          The Firmware-Revision AVP (AVP Code 267) is of type Unsigned32 and is used to inform a Diameter peer of the firmware revision of the issuing device.
static Type<> Common.HOST_IP_ADDRESS
          The Host-IP-Address AVP (AVP Code 257) is of type Address and is used to inform a Diameter peer of the sender's IP address.
static Type<java.lang.String> Common.ORIGIN_HOST
          The Origin-Host AVP (AVP Code 264) is of type DiameterIdentity, and MUST be present in all Diameter messages.
static Type<java.lang.String> Common.ORIGIN_REALM
          The Origin-Realm AVP (AVP Code 296) is of type DiameterIdentity.
static Type<java.lang.Integer> Common.ORIGIN_STATE_ID
          The Origin-State-Id AVP (AVP Code 278), of type Unsigned32, is a monotonically increasing value that is advanced whenever a Diameter entity restarts with loss of previous state, for example upon reboot.
static Type<java.lang.String> Common.PRODUCT_NAME
          The Product-Name AVP (AVP Code 269) is of type UTF8String, and contains the vendor assigned name for the product.
static Type<java.lang.String> Common.REDIRECT_HOST
          One or more of instances of this AVP MUST be present if the answer message's 'E' bit is set and the Result-Code AVP is set to DIAMETER_REDIRECT_INDICATION.
static Type<java.lang.Integer> Common.RESULT_CODE
          The Result-Code AVP (AVP Code 268) is of type Unsigned32 and indicates whether a particular request was completed successfully or whether an error occurred.
static Type<java.lang.String> Common.SESSION_ID
          The Session-Id AVP (AVP Code 263) is of type UTF8String and is used to identify a specific session (see Section 8).
static Type<java.lang.Integer> Common.SUPPORTED_VENDOR_ID
          The Supported-Vendor-Id AVP (AVP Code 265) is of type Unsigned32 and contains the IANA "SMI Network Management Private Enterprise Codes" [ASSIGNNO] value assigned to a vendor other than the device vendor.
static Type<java.lang.String> Common.USER_NAME
          The User-Name AVP (AVP Code 1) [RADIUS] is of type UTF8String, which contains the User-Name, in a format consistent with the NAI specification [NAI].
static Type<java.lang.Integer> Common.VENDOR_ID
          The Vendor-Id AVP (AVP Code 266) is of type Unsigned32 and contains the IANA "SMI Network Management Private Enterprise Codes" [ASSIGNNO] value assigned to the vendor of the Diameter application.
          The Vendor-Specific-Application-Id AVP (AVP Code 260) is of type Grouped and is used to advertise support of a vendor-specific Diameter Application.

Methods in org.cipango.diameter.base that return Type
static Type<> Common.newAddressType(java.lang.String name, int code)
static Type<java.util.Date> Common.newDateType(java.lang.String name, int code)
<T extends java.lang.Enum<T>>
Common.newEnumType(java.lang.String name, int code, java.lang.Class<T> clazz)
<T extends java.lang.Enum<T>>
Common.newEnumType(java.lang.String name, int vendorId, int code, java.lang.Class<T> clazz)
static Type<AVPList> Common.newGroupedType(java.lang.String name, int code)
static Type<byte[]> Common.newOctetStringType(java.lang.String name, int code)
static Type<java.lang.Integer> Common.newUnsigned32Type(java.lang.String name, int code)
static Type<java.lang.String> Common.newUTF8StringType(java.lang.String name, int code)

Uses of Type in org.cipango.diameter.ims

Fields in org.cipango.diameter.ims declared as Type
          The Associated-Identities AVP is of type Grouped and it contains the private user identities associated to an IMS subscription.
static Type<java.util.Date> Zh.BOOTSTRAP_INFO_CREATION_TIME
          The BootstrapInfoCreationTime AVP (AVP code 408) is of type Time.
static Type<byte[]> Cx.CONFIDENTIALITY_KEY
          The Confidentiality-Key is of type OctetString, and contains the Confidentiality Key (CK).
static Type<Sh.CurrentLocation> Sh.CURRENT_LOCATION
          The Current-Location AVP is of type Enumerated, and indicates whether an active location
static Type<Sh.DataReference> Sh.DATA_REFERENCE
          The Data-Reference AVP is of type Enumerated, and indicates the type of the requested user data in the operation UDR and SNR.
          The Deregistration-Reason AVP is of type Grouped, and indicates the reason for a de-registration operation.
static Type<byte[]> Sh.DSAI_TAG
          The DSAI-Tag AVP is of type OctetString.
static Type<java.util.Date> Sh.EXPIRY_TIME
          The Expiry-Time AVP is of type Time.
static Type<java.lang.String> Zh.GAA_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER
          The GAA-Service-identifier AVP (AVP code 403) is of type OctedString.
static Type<java.lang.String> Zh.GBA_PUSH_INFO
          The GBA-Push-Info AVP (AVP code 417) is of type OctetString.
static Type<Zh.GbaType> Zh.GBA_TYPE
          The GBA-Type AVP (AVP code 410) is of type Enumerated.
static Type<Zh.GbaUAwarenessIndicator> Zh.GBA_U_AWARENESS_INDICATOR
          The conditional GBA_U-Awareness-Indicator AVP (AVP code 407) is of type Enumerated.
static Type<java.lang.String> Zh.GBA_USER_SEC_SETTINGS
          The GAA-UserSecSettings AVP (AVP code 400) is of type OctetString.
static Type<java.util.Date> Zh.GUSS_TIMESTAMP
          The GUSS-Timestamp AVP (AVP code 409) is of type Time.
static Type<Sh.IdentitySet> Sh.IDENTITY_SET
          The Identity-Set AVP is of type Enumerated and indicates the requested set of IMS Public Identities.
static Type<byte[]> Cx.INTEGRITY_KEY
          The Integrity-Key is of type OctetString, and contains the Integrity Key (IK).
static Type<java.util.Date> Zh.KEY_EXPIRY_TIME
          The Key-ExpiryTime AVP (AVP code 404) is of type Time.
static Type<java.lang.Integer> Cx.MANDATORY_CAPABILITIES
          The Mandatory-Capability AVP is of type Unsigned32.
static Type<java.lang.String> Zh.ME_KEY_MATERIAL
          The required ME-Key-Material AVP (AVP code 405) is of type OctetString.
static Type<byte[]> Sh.MSISDN
          The MSISDN AVP is of type OctetString.
static Type<java.lang.String> Zh.NAF_ID
          The NAF-Id AVP (AVP code 402) is of type OctetString.
static Type<java.lang.String> Zh.NAF_SA_IDENTIFIER
          The NAF-SA-Identifier AVP (AVP code 418) is of type OctetString.
static Type<java.lang.Integer> Cx.OPTIONAL_CAPABILITIES
          The Optional-Capability AVP is of type Unsigned32.
static Type<Cx.OriginatingRequest> Cx.ORIGININATING_REQUEST
          The Originating-Request AVP is of type Enumerated and indicates to the HSS that the request is related to an AS originating SIP request in the Location-Information-Request operation.
static Type<Zh.PrivateIdentityRequest> Zh.PRIVATE_IDENTITY_REQUEST
          The Private-Identity-Request AVP (AVP code 416) is of type Enumerated.
static Type<java.lang.String> Cx.PUBLIC_IDENTITY
          The Public-Identity AVP is of type UTF8String.
static Type<Cx.ReasonCode> Cx.REASON_CODE
          The Reason-Code AVP is of type Enumerated, and defines the reason for the network initiated de-registration.
static Type<java.lang.String> Cx.REASON_INFO
          The Reason-Info AVP is of type UTF8String, and contains textual information to inform the user about the reason for a de-registration.
static Type<Sh.RequestedDomain> Sh.REQUESTED_DOMAIN
          The Requested-Domain AVP is of type Enumerated, and indicates the access domain for which certain data (e.g. user state) are requested.
static Type<java.util.Date> Zh.REQUESTED_KEY_LIFETIME
          The Requested-Key-Lifetime AVP (AVP code 415) is of type Time.
static Type<Sh.SendDataIndication> Sh.SEND_DATA_INDICATION
          The Send-Data-Indication AVP is of type Enumerated.
static Type<Cx.ServerAssignmentType> Cx.SERVER_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE
          The Server-Assignment-Type AVP is of type Enumerated, and indicates the type of server update being performed in a Server-Assignment-Request operation.
          The Server-Capabilities AVP is of type Grouped.
static Type<java.lang.String> Cx.SERVER_NAME
          The Server-Name AVP is of type UTF8String.
static Type<byte[]> Sh.SERVICE_INDICATION
          The Service-Indication AVP is of type OctetString.
static Type<AVPList> Cx.SIP_AUTH_DATA_ITEM
          The SIP-Auth-Data-Item is of type Grouped, and contains the authentication and/or authorization information for the Diameter client.
static Type<byte[]> Cx.SIP_AUTHENTICATE
          The SIP-Authenticate AVP is of type OctetString and contains specific parts of the data portion of the WWW-Authenticate or Proxy-Authenticate SIP headers that are to be present in a SIP response.
          The SIP-Authentication-Context AVP is of type OctectString, and contains authentication-related information relevant for performing the authentication but that is not part of the SIP authentication headers.
static Type<java.lang.String> Cx.SIP_AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME
          The Authentication-Scheme AVP is of type UTF8String and indicates the authentication scheme used in the authentication of SIP messages.
static Type<byte[]> Cx.SIP_AUTHORIZATION
          The SIP-Authorization AVP is of type OctetString and contains specific parts of the data portion of the Authorization or Proxy-Authorization SIP headers suitable for inclusion in a SIP request.
          The SIP-Digest-Authenticate is of type Grouped and it contains a reconstruction of either the SIP WWW-Authenticate or Proxy-Authentication header fields specified in IETF RFC 2617 [14].
static Type<java.lang.Integer> Cx.SIP_ITEM_NUMBER
          The SIP-Item-Number AVP is of type Unsigned32, and is included in a SIP-Auth-Data-Item grouped AVP in circumstances where there are multiple occurrences of SIP-Auth-Data-Item AVP, and the order in which they should be processed is significant.
static Type<java.lang.Integer> Cx.SIP_NUMBER_AUTH_ITEMS
          The SIP-Number-Auth-Items AVP is of type Unsigned32.
static Type<Sh.SubsReqType> Sh.SUBS_REQ_TYPE
          The Subs-Req-Type AVP is of type Enumerated, and indicates the type of the subscription-to-notifications request.
          The Supported-Features AVP is of type Grouped.
static Type<java.lang.String> Zh.TRANSACTION_IDENTIFIER
          The Transaction-Identifier AVP (AVP code 401) is of type OctetString.
static Type<java.lang.Integer> Cx.UAR_FLAGS
          The UAR-Flags AVP is of type Unsigned32 and it contains a bit mask.
static Type<java.lang.String> Zh.UE_ID
          The UE-Id AVP (AVP code 411) is of type OctedString.
static Type<Zh.UeIdType> Zh.UE_ID_TYPE
          The UE-Id-Type AVP (AVP code 412) is of type Enumerated.
static Type<java.lang.String> Zh.UICC_APP_LABEL
          The UICC-App-Label AVP (AVP code 413) is of type OctedString.
static Type<java.lang.String> Zh.UICC_KEY_MATERIAL
          The condition UICC-Key-Material AVP (AVP code 406) is of type OctetString.
static Type<Zh.UiccMe> Zh.UICC_ME
          The UICC-ME AVP (AVP code 414) is of type Enumerated.
static Type<Cx.UserAuthorizationType> Cx.USER_AUTHORIZATION_TYPE
          The User-Authorization-Type AVP is of type Enumerated, and indicates the type of user authorization being performed in a User Authorization operation, i.e.
static Type<byte[]> Sh.USER_DATA
          The User-Data AVP is of type OctetString.
static Type<Cx.UserDataAlreadyAvailable> Cx.USER_DATA_ALREADY_AVAILABLE
          The User-Data-Already-Available AVP is of type Enumerated, and indicates to the HSS whether or not the S-CSCF already has the part of the user profile that it needs to serve the user.
static Type<AVPList> Sh.USER_IDENTITY
          The User-Identity AVP is of type Grouped.
          The Visited-Network-Identifier AVP is of type OctetString.
static Type<java.lang.String> Cx.WILCARDED_IMPU
          The Wildcarded-IMPU AVP is of type UTF8String.
static Type<java.lang.String> Cx.WILCARDED_PSI
          The Wildcarded-PSI AVP is of type UTF8String.

Methods in org.cipango.diameter.ims that return Type
protected static
<T> Type<T>
IMS.newIMSType(java.lang.String name, int code, DataFormat<T> format)

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